Serving clients in difficult family situations for over a decade

Protecting The Time You Have With Your Children After Your Divorce

One of the hardest things for parents and children going through a divorce is the uncertainty surrounding how the child custody agreement will resolve. The outcome in these matters can shape how a child grows up, so it is only natural that you want to secure the time you deserve with them after your divorce.

At Karl.Legal, we provide child-centered divorce and family law representation. Attorney Karl Siganporia is so committed to helping clients in these issues that he became a board-certified family law specialist. We are here to guide you through your divorce process and defend the best interests of you and your children along the way. You can rest assured that your legal representation is fighting for you and your family.

Pursuing The Custody Arrangement Your Family Needs

When your divorce goes to court, judges will consider several factors before deciding on a child custody arrangement. As your legal representatives, we will make your voice heard to present the truth of these factors:

  • The financial situation of each parent
  • The medical needs of the parents and children
  • Any history of abuse, violence or addiction in either parent
  • Each parent’s ability to provide for their children
  • If primary custody with a parent will cause considerable change in a child’s life

We are committed to helping parents pursue the results that best support their family’s needs. For example, if your children are younger, alternating primary custody every week can be too disruptive, so a plan that provides longer amounts of time with each parent may be a better agreement to pursue.

As your children get older, it may be necessary to revise the custody situation, which we can also assist with when the time comes.

The Representation Your Family Deserves

If you are ready to meet with a family law lawyer who can answer your questions, uphold your needs and resolve your family law issues in a swift and effective manner, contact us today to schedule your initial virtual consultation.

Call us 415-889-2083 or email us and take the first step in resolving your custody needs today.